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  • End-of-Summer Road Trip Tips for Insurance Peace of Mind

    Posted November 11, 2023

    The end of summer brings with it the perfect opportunity for one last adventure on the open road. Whether you’re planning a scenic drive through the countryside or an epic cross-country journey, a road trip can create cherished memories that last a lifetime. But, before you buckle up and hit the pavement, it’s crucial to

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  • Tips for Insuring Your Home Business

    Posted November 11, 2023

    Now more than ever before, people are choosing to work from home or even run a small business from a garage or spare room. There’s a certain freedom that comes with being your own boss — but there can be significant risks as well. In some cases, there may be supplies, materials, or inventory that

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  • Camp Safely This Summer

    Posted November 11, 2023

    Camping is one of the joys of summer for many Canadian families. But, to get the most out of the experience, it’s important to camp responsibly. If you have plans to pitch a tent at one of the country’s numerous campsites this summer, here are some tips and guidelines to keep you safe and protect

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  • It’s Hail Season. Are you prepared?

    Posted November 11, 2023

    Hailstorms strike with little warning. One moment you’re driving down the highway, sun shining brightly; the next, dark clouds roll in, threatening a thunderstorm or even a tornado. Suddenly, hailstones the size of marbles are slamming into your windshield. If you live in a hail-prone region like the Canadian Prairies, you’re likely already well aware

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  • Marine Insurance: Top Causes for Boat Insurance Losses

    Posted November 11, 2023

    Your options for protecting a boat are often more limited than with other types of vehicles. You can’t always just pull the boat into the garage, right? Risks that can’t easily be prevented make marine insurance crucial. Here are some of the leading causes of boat claims and losses: • Weather damage – Storing your

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